Serving Pleasanton, TX
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Warning Signs


 No one deserves to be a victim. If you find that you're a victim of family violence or an assault, you have rights that you need to know about. These rights are in place by the Texas criminal justice system. They are there to protect victims of violent crimes. All our services are completely confidential. Contact Safer Path Family Violence Shelter today! 
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Understand the Bill of Rights

  1. The right to PROTECTION from harm and threats of harm. These could arise from cooperation with peace officers or prosecutors
  2. The right to have your SAFETY and that of your family taken into consideration when bail is set
  3. The right to be INFORMED about court proceedings. Including whether they have been canceled or rescheduled
  4. The right to INFORMATION about procedures in criminal investigations
  5. The right to INFORMATION about proceedings in the criminal justice system. This could include a plea bargain
  6. The right to TELL the probation department about the impact of the offense on you and your family
  7. The right to be INFORMED about the Crime Victims Compensation Fund. CVC is the payment of certain medical expenses for victims of sexual assault. Also, the availability of social service agencies that may provide help
  8. The right to be NOTIFIED about parole proceedingsThe right to INCLUDE information in the defendant’s file. The information will be to be considered by the Board of Pardons and Paroles
  9. The right to be PRESENT at all public court proceedings relating to the offense. (if the presiding judge approves)

NOTE: Article 56 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedures states: “A judge or attorney for the state, peace officer or law enforcement agency is not liable for failure or inability to provide a right enumerated in this article.”

Signs to Look for in a Battering Personality

Some people want to know about the warning signs of domestic violence. They want to know when they are about to become involved with someone that will be abusive. Below is a list of behaviors that are in abusive personalities.  

If the person has three or more of the other behaviors, there is a strong potential for physical violence. The more signs they have, the more likely the person is an abuser. An abuser may only have a couple of behaviors that are distinguishable. This is because these behaviors are much exaggerated. (i.e., extreme jealousy over ridiculous things)

The abuser will try to explain their behavior as signs of love and concern. You may feel flattered at first, but as time goes on, the behaviors become more severe to dominating. 
Domestic Violence By the Numbers
204 Texans were killed by their intimate partner across 63 counties  in 2021.

232,840 family violence incidents in TX

75% of victims were killed with a firearm

Texas DVHRTs provided services to 34% more victims and high-risk offenders in 2021 compared to 2020.

62 per hour; or 172,573 calls

97% of family violence programs identify survivors experiencing tech-facilitated abuse.

165 women killed due to domestic violence
2021 TCFV Honoring Victims Report
  • Jealousy - An abuser will say this is a sign of love
  • Controlling Behavior - The abuser will say they're concerned about your safety. They could also say that you need to make good decisions
  • Quick Involvement - The abuser may come on like a whirlwind claiming "love at first sight"
  • Unrealistic Expectations - "If you love me, I'm all you need and you're all I need"
  • Isolation - The abuser may try to cut off resources
  • Blames Others for His or Her Problems - The abuser will not take responsibility for their own actions.
  • Blames Others for His or Her Feelings - The abuser will manipulate the victim by blaming them
  • Hypersensitivity - The abuser is easily insulted
  • Cruelty to Animals or Children - This person may punish animals or be insensitive to their pain.
  • "Playful" Use of Force in Sex - The abuser wants to dominate when it comes to sex
  • Verbal Abuse - They will say things that are cruel and hurtful. The abuser may also degrade you and put down your accomplishments.
  • Rigid Sex Roles - He will see women as inferior to men and unable to be a whole person without a man
  • Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - The abuser can be very nice one moment and explode in anger the next
  • Past Battering - The abuser may admit to being abusive in the past, but will say the victim made them do it
  • Threats of Violence - This would include any threat of physical force meant to control the victim
  • Breaking or Striking Objects - The abuser uses this as a punishment. It used to terrorize and intimidate the victim into submission.
  • Any Force During an Argument - Using force may involve an abuser holding the victim down. It could also mean not letting them victim leave the room. It could also involve them pushing and shoving the victim.
  • If you recognize any of these signs in your relationship, call for more information.
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