OLD - Family Violence

Serving Pleasanton, TX
Serving Pleasanton, TX
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We'll Help You Come Out of Family Violence

Properly Understand Family Violence

Family violence is a term often used for spouse abuse, wife beating or battering, but this term can also be used for males and females in dating relationships.

Pushing, punching, sexual assault, choking, slapping and threatening are all forms of family violence.

All services that we offer are completely confidential.ContactSafer Path Family Violence Sheltertoday!

Things You Should Know About Family Violence

  • Family violence is a CRIME
  • Family violence occurs among all races, ages and religions. It happens in all economic and educational levels
  • Researchers estimated that four million women are beaten each year in our nation alone
  • Battering is rarely an isolated occurrence. It usually becomes more serious with the passage of time and also may increase in frequency
  • Thirty percent of the women murdered in this country die at the hands of their husbands, ex-husbands or boyfriends
  • Attacks by husbands or wives result in more injuries that require medical attention than rape, auto accidents and muggings combined
  • An estimated 549 women become victims of assault every hour in this country - resulting in one death every three hours
Unfortunately, the abuse does not confine its devastating effects to the women alone. Children also become victims. The emotional trauma they suffer may manifest itself in terms of low self-esteem, depression, withdrawal and isolation, anger and acting-out behaviors. We must remember that the suffering is no less for children of family violence than for adult victims.
Family Violence

Facts and Effects of Family Violence

  • Domestic violence is the single most unreported crime in the U.S.
  • Battering is the #1 crime and cause of injury to women in the U.S., with 3 to 4 million women being battered each year
  • 95% of all spouse abuse cases are women who are hurt by men. Note: Males rarely report spousal or dating abuse, however, it does occur.
  • Battering occurs among people of all races
  • Battering tends to increase and become more violent over time.
  • Many batterers have learned violent behavior because they grew up in an abusive family
  • 63% of boys from 11-20 years of age serving time for homicide killed their mother's abuser
Effects of battering over time:
  • Isolation from others
  • Low self-esteem
  • Depression
  • Increased alcohol or drug abuse
  • Emotional problems and illness
  • Pain and injuries
  • Permanent physical damage
  • Death
  • Emotional problems and illness
  • Increased fears and anger
  • Increased risk of abuse
  • Injuries and death
  • Repetition of abuse behavior
Battering on Pregnancy

Common Side Effects of Battering on Pregnancy

  • Battering may start or become worse during pregnancy - 25% - 45% of battered women are abused during pregnancy
  • Battering during pregnancy is the #1 cause of birth defects and may lead to miscarriage
  • Battering may lead to alcohol or drug abuse (a form of abuse to the child)
  • Pregnant women in battering relationships have an increased risk of delivering low birth weight infants
  • Battering during pregnancy may be an indication of what life holds in store for the unborn child
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If you're experiencing family violence, call our hotline today. We're available 24 hours a day to offer you the help you need. 24 hour shelter available.
Domestic Violence By the Numbers

200,000 family violence incidents in Texas

530 family violence incidents per day.

214,815 victims and 208,764 offenders.

62 per hour; or 172,573 calls

39% of victims turned away

146 women killed due to domestic violence

2016 TCFV Honoring Victims Report

Children and Domestic Violence: Atascosa County, Texas

1 in 15 children are exposed

There are 17,094 children in Atascosa County

1,140 children are exposed in Atascosa County

1,026 were eye witnesses
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