OLD - Assault / Rape Risk Reduction

Serving Pleasanton, TX
Serving Pleasanton, TX
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Assault / Rape Risk Reduction With Proper Planning

Have a Clear Understanding About Rape and Sexual Assault

Rape is a crime of violence. It has nothing to do with sex. Rape is not a crime of prejudice. Irrespective of age, race, marital status, education and social position, it happens to men, women, and children.
Also referred to as sexual assault, rape can be defined as forced (or threat of forced) anal, oral and / or vaginal penetration by part of another person's body or penetration by an object.

All our services are completely confidential. Contact Safer Path Family Violence Shelter today!
Sexual Assault

Know What to Do If You Are Raped

Approximately one in every three women will be sexually assaulted in her lifetime. Eighty percent (80%) of all rape victims (men, women and / or children) know their attacker. More than one-half of all rapes occur in the victim's home.
Any person is a potential victim of rape. It is estimated that 16 rapes or attempted rapes are reported every hour in the United States. If you or someone you know should become a victim of rape, REMEMBER: 
  1. Do NOT clean up, bathe, douche or change clothes
  2. Do not straighten up or touch anything at the scene
  3. Call your local law enforcement / 911 and call the Crisis Hotline for assistance
  4. The Crisis Center will arrange to have a medical examination and will transport you
The person who raped you has most likely raped before and will probably do so again. PLEASE report your assault to law enforcement, even if you do not plan to prosecute. The information you have may help officials to ensure that another woman is not victimized at the hand of your assailant.
Rape Risk Reduction

Rape Risk Reduction

  1. You always have the right to say no to sexual activity
  2. You have the right to set sexual limits before a date by discussing them with your partner
  3. Be assertive
  4. Stay sober: Watch out for dates that try to get you drunk or high. If you must drink, protect your drink from foreign substances (date rape drugs)
  5. Don't leave a party with someone you don't know well
  6. Consider using the buddy system at parties
  7. Trust your feelings and intuition. If it feels wrong, it probably is
  8. People are responsible for their own behavior
  9. Never force anyone to have sex or engage in sexual activity
  10. Never try to talk someone into having sex
  11. Sex is not a game or a contest
  12. If you're confused about what your partner wants or is thinking, ASK THEM CLEARLY
  13. Communicate with your friends and dates about sexual assault; educate them if necessary
If your computer usage is monitored, call our hotline today. 
If you're a victim of a sexual assault or family violence, contact us today! We provide 24-hour service.
Sexual Assault By the Numbers

6.3 million Texans have experienced some form of sexual assault in their lifetime

2 in 5 women in Texas have been sexually assaulted

1 in 5 men in Texas have been sexually assaulted

91% of sexual assault victims did not report to law enforcement

90% of all child victims are assaulted by someone they know

Studies confirm the undetected rapist is a serial hunter and serial offender – not the misunderstood drunk guy

Over 94% of rapists roam free with only 3% ever spending a day in jail

Texas Association Against Sexual Assault 2016
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